Established in 1981, COMSTECH is a permanent intergovernmental committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for scientific and technological cooperation, based in Islamabad, Pakistan. It is the leading intergovernmental organization of the OIC responsible for science and technology in member countries. The COMSTECH General Assembly meets every two years in Islamabad at the ministerial level of the OIC responsible for research and development activities.

COMSTECH aims to strengthen cooperation among OIC member states in the fields of science, technology, and innovation (STI), enhance their individual and collective potential in STI, and cultivate a culture of science recognition at all levels of OIC society. In particular, COMSTECH works towards harnessing the power of STI for socio-economic progress and prosperity.

COMSTECH’s activities are aimed at addressing the issues using the strength of STI to aid in the socio-economic progress and prosperity of the OIC community.