619011-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP «New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems – GEOCLIC»


The main goal of the project is to modernize and internationalize training in the field of monitoring and environmental protection of coastal ecosystems using new geospatial technologies, big data and remote sensing, at the undergraduate / graduate / doctoral levels in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan through innovative three-level curricula that meet market requirements and best practices. The lack of specialists with the competencies and skills to understand, transform and interpret satellite and ground-based data to make decisions related to environmental protection and the lack of specialists in the field of ecology, management and engineering of the coastal zone affects the economic development of the Caspian Sea region. The lack of programs and equipment for analyzing coastal dynamics using satellite imagery and remote sensing affects the competencies and skills of graduates and specialists in geospatial engineering.

To change the current situation, this project aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Update the current BA / MSc / PhD courses in the target area in accordance with the objectives of the Bologna Process and the requirements of the modern labor market.
  • Develop, implement and accredit new practice-oriented, student-centered courses in geospatial technologies, remote sensing, monitoring and big data processing specifically designed for the environmental safety of coastal ecosystems in accordance with the guidelines; including an innovative teaching / learning environment and ECTS.
  • Conduct professional development of teachers of target universities in European universities.
  • To develop and create an innovative teaching / learning environment, create and equip each partner university with a new GEOCLIC laboratory (GEOLAB), a GEOCLIC office (GEOCOF), and a virtual events classroom (CVE) to strengthen links with the labor market, provide services to various target groups, and market educational services.
  • Establish strong scientific and academic links between partner organizations, EU universities and enterprises.
  • Ensure high quality of project results and sustainability of project results.
of partners Name of the university  
Р1 Coordinator

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, KazNU

Р2 University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, UT-ITC NL
Р3 Technische Uiversiät Berlin, TUB DE
Р4 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, VGTU LT
Р5 Maritime University of Constanta, CMU ROU
Р7 Baku State University, BSU AZ
Р8 Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, NAA AZ
Р9 Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, AzUAC AZ
Р10 Mingachevir State University, MSU AZ
Р11 Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, CSUTE KZ
Р12 Atyrau oil and gas university named after Safi Utebayev, S. Utebayev AOGU KZ
Р13 Turkmen Agriculture University named after S.A.Niyazov, TAU TM
Р14 Magtymguly Turkmen State University, TSU TM
Р15 International University for the Humanities and Development, IUHD TM
Р16 International Ecoenergy Academy, IEEA AZ
Р17 PLC “Institute of Geography” of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, InGEO KZ